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Turtle Graphic
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🖥️   Dive into the world of coding with Turtle Graphic! It's fun, easy, and perfect for kids to create awesome visuals 🎨 . Let their creativity flow at Turtle Graphic 🚀  !

The world of coding with Turtle Graphic🚀

Turtle Graphic is an engaging, hands-on software designed specifically for kids. It makes learning programming fun and interactive by allowing them to create stunning visual designs, from simple shapes to intricate patterns. With its easy-to-use interface and simple commands, children will be able to bring their ideas to life, boosting their creativity and problem-solving skills.  Whether they’re coding for the first time or looking to sharpen their skills, Turtle Graphic is the perfect way to start. It’s a safe, educational, and exciting platform where learning meets creativity. Let your child’s imagination soar and start coding today at Turtle Graphic

Turtle Graphics Help

Command Abbreviation Parameters Example Explanation
forward fd [steps (float)] fd 100 Moves the turtle forward by the specified steps.
backward bk [steps (float)] bk 100 Moves the turtle backward by the specified steps.
left lt [angle (float)] lt 90 Turns the turtle left by the specified angle in degrees.
right rt [angle (float)] rt 90 Turns the turtle right by the specified angle in degrees.
setpos / goto NaN [x (float), y (float)] goto 100 100 Moves the turtle to the specified (x, y) position.
teleport NaN [x (float), y (float), fill? (bool)] teleport 200 200 False Instantly moves the turtle to (x, y) without drawing.
pensize NaN [size (positive int)] pensize 10 Sets the pen thickness for drawing lines.
pencolor color [color (0-100)] color 50 Sets the pen color using brightness (0-100).
clear NaN [None] clear Clears the turtle's drawings on the screen.
home NaN [None] home Moves the turtle to the origin (0, 0).

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